On the hot weekend of August 27th-28th we went for a show weekend to the Hungary.
Here the 3 days International Dogshow took place and Meli was participating in 2 days only.
On Saturday 27.08.2022 in Székesfehérvár( HU) Meli was entered into champion class and under the judgement of Orcsik Istvan (SRB)
Meli got:
CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed:)
On Sunday 28.08.2022 in Székesfehérvár( HU) Meli was entered into champion class and under the judgement of Peter Harsanyi (HU)
Meli got:
CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed:)
At the age of 27 months old and with her CACIB number 15 Meli fullfilled the conditions for the International Championship -CIE.
If i am happy about our Meli? Yes I do:)