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the Story of marieness


My name is Maryna and together with my husband and our dogs we live in a small town in the countryside of Bratislava in the south-west region of Slovakia close to Austria, Hungary and Czech Republic. 


I grew up in Ukraine with pet dogs and can not imagine my life without them. My first came across  with the breed English springer spaniel was in 2016 as we rescued our first dog Brunko who lives with us as the pet dog still. Later on I was looking for another dog to join our family and came across a young male Viggo,  from a famous kennel Ruthless who was looking for a proper show home. With Viggo joining our family- the history of Marieness starts and my passion and love to the breed itself.


Viggo is my first show dog and under the close and intensive supervision of his breeder I learnt the grooming, showing and loving perspective of the breed. I can not stop being grateful for my mentor Eva who spent hours and hours with me, sharing with me about the old bloodlines, breeding combinations, grooming and history of the breed.


Once I followed an interview with a well known judge and breeder and he said- if you want to get the best foundation bitch- never ask the breeder "when" you will get it and how much is the price. Just wait when the right time, litter, dog comes. This was exactly my case- I hoped one day to have a puppy after Yohannah Ruthless who is the great representative of English Springer Spaniel type for me. One day I got the call from my mentor saying- there is a promising bitch in my litter, one in 20 years being born, which I want to keep for myself but you can pick her up-. This is how my dream girl, Fergie Ruthless, named Meli at home, joined our home.


We live with our dogs active life, being a lot outside, doing agility sport with all of them, going for hunting and spending cosy evenings in front of the TV all together on the coach. My goal is to keep the breeding on the best stable bloodlines in the classical english type, following the breed standard, dogs with the nice and friendly temperaments, expression and own strong personalities being healthy.

I am the member and the board member of the KASS CZ (Club English Springer Spaniel CZ), also I am a member of the

Jagdspaniel Club Austria, as well as the Southern English Springer Spaniel Society UK


2021 © Marieness English Springer Spaniels

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